In the timeless euphoria of the cyberspace that's
all the flesh wants.
With this work we will perfect the techniques of
hybridization and diffusion of our sexual
representation in pixels, and began to actualize
Our pornographic reality has an unpleasant effect
to the eye, free from the subliminal mechanism of
We are nothing more than an infinitesimal error
transmitted from the most unexpected places and
contexts, creating a stable sensory connection
without logical sense.
We are moving on to the unification of a network
through a degenerated connective tissue.
Pornography is viewed through the eye of purgatory,
and Pornware stands as a tombstone
We will transmit new immodesty.
00000000 59 56 68 52 62 6d 4e 35 51 6a 42 68 56 7a 46 73 |YVhRbmN5QjBhVzFs|
00000010 53 55 68 53 64 6b 6c 48 52 6d 70 6b 51 7a 52 4c |SUhSdklHRmpkQzRL|
00000020 56 6a 4a 56 5a 31 6c 59 53 6d 78 4a 52 33 68 32 |VjJVZ1lYSmxJR3h2|
00000030 59 6a 4a 30 63 47 4a 74 59 32 64 61 62 54 6c 35 |YjJ0cGJtY2dabTl5|
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00000050 57 6d 30 35 65 57 4a 58 52 6e 56 5a 4d 6c 56 6e |Wm05eWJXRnVZMlVn|
00000060 59 6c 64 57 64 55 6c 48 52 6e 56 61 51 30 49 7a |YldWdUlHRnVaQ0Iz|
00000070 59 6a 49 78 62 47 4a 70 4e 45 74 55 52 31 59 77 |YjIxbGJpNEtUR1Yw|
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